Snow+Rock High Street Kensington

Everything you need to know about visiting Snow+Rock on High Street Kensington. From what to find in the store to how to get there and opening times.



Just a few meters from the cool equinox gym and Amazon Fresh store is the Snow+Rock which is the ideal location to get expert advice, equipment and all the outdoor gear. There is everything that you need when you are stepping out for the first time or as an experienced adventurer.


It was established in 1982 by a small group of people who were adventurous and snow sports obsessed. They took it as an opportunity and felt they could do it better. They soon gained fame and became a household name.

They believe in always exploring but they realised they require to get a decent job. However, their love for the outdoors encouraged them to understand what the customers need. They jointly agreed to take things into their own hands. This is how Snow+Rock was created.


They understand that the heart of any business is the reliable and skilled staff. That’s why they give the best training possible to their employees. Its mission is to entrust the clients to enjoy new experiences, have pleasure and live every moment like there’s no tomorrow.


They are extremely proud of their heritage. Opening their first store on Kensington High Street was a dream come true. Since then, they have always been ahead in the world of winter sports.

They have truly been maverick by nature, taking on the biggest retailer of snow sports in the UK. They invented the concept of boot fitting and inducing the Boot Fit Clinic into the UK for the first time in history.


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They aspire to break new boundaries, take chances on not-so-common brands and come up with groundbreaking technologies. In this way, they have created a quality service with the Snow+Rock outlet.

They have over 30 years of experience and expertise in the snow world. With unmistakable enthusiasm and confidence, they are specialists in the outdoor business. 


Snow+Rock is among few High Street Kensington outdoor shops but thankfully all close together. Right next to this store you also have Cotswold, Altimus and Ellis Brigham.


Address: 186 Kensington High St, London W8 7RG, United Kingdom

Contact Number: 0203 780 2057

Web Site:


Everything you need to know about visiting Snow+Rock on High Street Kensington. From what to find in the store to how to get there and opening times.


Snow+Rock High Street Kensington Opening Hours


  • 10am–7pm
  • 10am–7pm
  • 10am–7pm
  • 9am–7pm
  • 11:30am–5:30pm
  • 10am–7pm
  • 10am–7pm


How To Get To Snow+Rock On High Street Kensington

The nearest station to Snow+Rock is High Street Kensington on the Circle Line. Once outside of the station building turn left and stay on the same side of the street. Walk past boots and continue walking passing Rituals, EE, Vodafone, and Calzedonia.

Continue walking passing Muji, Three and at Holland & Barrett cross at the pedestrian crossing to the other side of the street. Continue walking in the same direction as before for a few more meters, passing Wilko, Altimus, Ellis Brigham, and Halifax Bank before arriving at Snow+Rock.



Snow+Rock Brand Video




Other Notable Kensington High Street Shops

Hobbs | Trotters | Jigsaw | Sunglass Hut | Uniqlo | Zara | Urban Outfitters | H&M | Cos | Accessorize | Lovisa | Marks And Spencer | Decathlon | Trailfinders | Geox |Massimo Dutti | Clarks | Calzedonia | Muji | Ecco | Zara Home | TK Maxx | Currys | Whole Foods Market

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